Mondays with the Mayor
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September 23, 2024: Guests and Topics Discussed:
Mayor's Update:
The Mayor and Ron reflected on the Cabinet in the Community event at Ruidoso High School and the Motor Mountain Weekend event.
He also addressed some residents' ongoing difficulties with insurance claims and finding insurance carriers after the fires and floods.
Public Works Director Adam Sanchez:
Re-routing Water: Adam discussed finalizing the water reroute in the Black Forest area, which was done as a result of the fires.
Guard Rail Extension: He responded to a listener's question about extending a guard rail on Grant and Apache Drive.
Fire Department:
Lightning-Started Fire: Fire Chief Joe Kasuboski and Interim Assistant Fire Chief Cade Hall shared updates on a lightning-started fire near Buck Mountain that was monitored over the weekend.
Retirement Announcement: Fire Chief Kasuboski announced his plans to retire at the end of the year.
Parks & Recreation:
New Playground: David “TBone” Tetreault, Assistant Parks and Recreation Director discussed opening the new playground at School House Park.
Grant Allocation: He explained the grants used for the playground project and why they were allocated to parks rather than to fire and flood recovery efforts like bridges.
Police Department:
Retirement Announcement: Police Chief Lawrence Chavez announced his retirement at the end of November.
Tour of Fire and Flood Damage: He also discussed giving members of the New Mexico Cabinet tours of the village's fire and flood damage.
DUI Uptick: Deputy Police Chief Steve Minner reported an increase in DUI cases involving alcohol and marijuana in the area.