Mondays with the Mayor
February 24, 2025: Guests and Topics Discussed
PNM Electric (Jeff Buell & Omni Warner): Phoned in to discuss proposed power outages during high wind events or heightened wildfire probability. They addressed listener questions about outage timing and homeowner preparedness.
Adam Sanchez: Shared updates on the Village’s fire hydrant maintenance and replacement program.
Fire Chief Cade Hall: Discussed the Fire Department’s role in clearing midtown during Sunday’s bomb threat and the potential elevation of the fire level to level 2 on Wednesday.
Hope Harbor: Promoted their annual fundraiser event, Afternoon of Hope, scheduled for Saturday, March 8th.
Matthew Baird & David “TBone” Tetreault (Parks & Rec): Provided updates on the removal of Christmas decorations around the Village and job opportunities within the department, including lifeguard positions. T-Bone also shared insights from his trip to the Keep America Beautiful conference in Washington, D.C., and remembered longtime resident Roy Parker, who recently passed away.
Eddie Ryan, Phil Hamilton & Bradshaw Lambert: Introduced Phil Hamilton’s new single Guys Like Me, discussed the upcoming Under a Mountain Sky concert series, and reminded listeners of filming for Dead Letters from February 25th to March 15th around the Village.
Police Chief Steve Minner: Addressed the bomb threat in midtown and explained why cameras were disabled during the lockdown.