Hello From Ruidoso: Shawn Sieracki and Bobbie Pendergrass
August 20, 2021: Hello From Ruidoso talks with show guests Naturopathic Doctor Shawn Sieracki of Whole Body Healing Center and Psychiatric Nurse Bobbie Pendergrass to discuss Thermography, what it is, and how it can benefit you, and the treatment of all types of mental health issues from depression to substance dependency.
Outdoor Hour: Dr. Stephen Rath
Dr. Stephen Rath of Fusion Medical Spa, joins the Outdoor Hour to discuss the benefits of being outdoors and active during the COVID pandemic, his role in local immunization efforts, and his involvement with the National Ski Patrol, three decades of military service, and glider piloting.
Village Volume: Dr. Keri Rath
Ruidoso obstetrician-gynecologist Dr. Keri Rath discusses her efforts – together with her husband, Dr. Stephen Rath, and a local book club – to help get residents vaccinated.