Outdoor Hour: Larry Cordova
May 6, 2021: Larry Cordova, Wildlife Biologist with Lincoln National Forest joins the Outdoor Hour this week to share his studies of owls, the creation of osprey platforms around Grindstone Lake, and the impact of the Three Rivers Fire on the wildlife in the area.
Mountain Air: Lorna Fike and Emily Hobbs
Episode Replay (Original episode aired on March 9, 2021): Lorna Fike and Emily Hobbs of Hope Harbor Transitional Home in Capitan join the show this week to discuss domestic violence in Lincoln County, how it affects women, children, and families of our communities, what they’re doing to support and empower local survivors, and the ways you can get involved to help.
Mondays with the Mayor: Tim Dodge, Ron Sena, David Bales, and Frank Potter
May 3, 2021 - Topics discussed this week include the Three Rivers Fire with Incident Commander David Bales, the live swearing-in of Frank Potter as Municipal Judge, and the Backpack Meals food program. Community updates include the Cree Meadows Trail project to connect to the Links Trail, the Eagle Creek Sports Complex, and the designing and possible construction of a stormwater drainage structure, plus the continued need for workforce housing.
Village Volume
April 30, 2021: Hosts Jazmin Estrada and Matt Ingram provide listeners with the latest Three River Fire status updates, information about the new COVID risk framework, and Lincoln County’s return to Turquoise Level restrictions, and Ruidoso’s nomination for an NM Outdoor Recreation Division Pilot Program. Also discussed were upcoming Parks and Recreation events including Disc Golf, 3d Archery Shoot, and the launch of this summer’s Wingfield Grower’s Market.
Outdoor Hour: Laura Rabon and Loretta Benavidez
April 29, 2021: Laura Rabon and Loretta Benavidez with the Lincoln National Forest join the Outdoor Hour this week with status updates on the Three Rivers Fire and to discuss the impact (good and bad) of wildfires on the forest and community.
Mondays with the Mayor: Tim Dodge, Ron Sena and Lesley Graham
April 26, 2021: - Topics discussed this week include the current Red Flag fire danger in the Village, Lincoln County’s regression to Yellow Level Restrictions in COVID risk ranking, and the change in management at the Ruidoso Downs Race Track. Community updates include a progress report on Wingfield House and the new 1490 KRUI radio studio, Parks and Recreation’s plans for Alto Lake improvements, status reports for the Midtown Sidewalk Project, and Wingfield Park Master Plan, and the construction project at Village Hall. Lesley Graham with ZIA Natural Gas was in the studio to discuss the rate increase.
Village Volume
April 23, 2021 – Host Jazmin Estrada flies solo this week to discuss Lincoln County’s regression from Turquoise to Yellow level restrictions in the state’s COVID risk ranking system and what that means for the Village and area businesses. In addition, learn about upcoming events including Disc Glow Disc Golf event and the May 8 launch of this summer’s Wingfield Grower’s Market.
Outdoor Hour: Barbara Bower and Mary Lemmond
April 22, 2021: Barbara Bower and Mary Lemmond of the Lincoln County Garden Club join the Outdoor Hour this week to discuss the Keep Ruidoso Beautiful (KRB) program and this month’s Great American Clean-up, the availability of Adopt-a-Park sponsorships, and other KRB initiatives including planting trees, gardens and installing new trash cans.
Mondays with the Mayor: Tim Dodge and Ron Sena
April 19, 2021: Topics discussed this week include concern about a spike in COVID-19 positive cases during the past week, The Great American Cleanup April/May campaign, and updated fire restrictions and red-flag warnings in the Village and Lincoln National Forest. Community updates include a progress report on Wingfield House and the new 1490 KRUI radio studio, lodger’s tax funds, and upcoming Parks and Recreation projects, and the feasibility study on the intersection of US 70 and NM 48. Also discussed was the continued challenges of workforce housing, the hiring process behind the new police chief and officers, and the hiring of new lifeguards.
Village Volume: Tim Lewis
April 16, 2021: Tim Lewis of Pizza 4 Good and the Ruidoso Public Library Board joins the Village Volume this week to talk about the newest addition to the local pizza scene that’s making good pizza for good causes. Plus, learn more about the Sierra Blanca Book Share project, new book deposits being installed around the Village and surrounding areas, and different incentives to get kids to read.
Outdoor Hour: David Teteault (T-Bone)
April 15, 2021: David Teteault (T-Bone), Community Services director for Parks & Recreation joins the Outdoor Hour this week to discuss the Keep Ruidoso Beautiful (KRB) program and this month’s Great American Clean-up, the availability of Adopt-a-Park sponsorships, and other KRB initiatives including planting trees, gardens and installing new trash cans.
Mondays with the Mayor: Tim Dodge and Ron Sena
April 5, 2021: Topics discussed this week include the status of the Ruidoso baseball/softball playing fields, increased availability of COVID vaccines, and the passage of NM House Bill 2 in the 2021 special session on cannabis legalization. Community updates include new construction, Midtown improvements, Municipal Court Judge Rankin’s retirement and replacement, new computers at the Ruidoso Public Library, upcoming public meetings, and Village employment opportunities.
Mondays with the Mayor: Tim Dodge and Ron Sena
April 5, 2021: Topics discussed this week include the status of the Ruidoso baseball/softball playing fields, increased availability of COVID vaccines, and the passage of NM House Bill 2 in the 2021 special session on cannabis legalization. Community updates include new construction, Midtown improvements, Municipal Court Judge Rankin’s retirement and replacement, new computers at the Ruidoso Public Library, upcoming public meetings, and Village employment opportunities.
Mondays with the Mayor: Tim Dodge and Ron Sena
March 29, 2021 - This week we learn that Ruidoso Valley Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Becky Brooks will retire, we get a status report on the Midtown Sidewalk Project and are reminded of the continued importance of COVID testing as part of NM ‘Red-to-Green’ reopening framework. Community updates include the possible opening of the bowling alley and Sierra Cinema, the progress of the Village Hall construction, and the Wingfield House project. Also discussed were current job opportunities with the Village and the reservation system at the Ruidoso Library, as well as the 2020 Village Audit.
Mondays with the Mayor: Tim Dodge, Ron Sena, and Representative Zach Cook
March 22, 2021 - Representative Zach Cook joins the conversation this week to discuss the 2021 legislative session including House Bill 303, an act relating to liquor control, specifying unlawful inducements for certain licensees. Learn about Police Chief Hooker’s replacement, Gary Gold, the upcoming prescribed burn at South Fork Campground as well as wildfire prevention tips and advice, plus the March 22 reopening of Billy the Kid Casino, and more.
Village Volume: Meagan Finnell
Learn about the importance of sunscreen and hydration for skincare. Get the inside scoop on facials, eyebrow laminating, and Maskne, or mask acne, treatments. Plus, plans for the Wingfield Park Growers Market from home gardening beginner and local esthetician Meagan Finnell of Personalities Salon and Blue Lotus Day Spa.
Mondays with the Mayor: Tim Dodge, Ron Sena, and Darren Hooker
Ruidoso Police Chief Darren Hooker joined the show this week to discuss the March 10 fatal shooting near Wingfield Park and how the Major Crimes Unit was effective in capturing the murder suspect. Other topics of conversation included wild horse management, the Gavilan Canyon street maintenance, wildfire awareness and prevention, where to get a COVID-19 test and the important role testing plays in the reopening of businesses, and the fresh/wastewater lift station project and why it is necessary.
Village Volume: Samantha Mendez
Spring Break tops the hour this week including a pause in Midtown Sidewalk Project construction, opening hours and dates at Ski Apache, and the need for weekend parking reservations and fishing licenses at Grindstone Lake. Samantha Mendez joins the show to discuss her role as Community Development Director and various economic revitalization and infrastructure grant projects.
Mountain Air: Lorna Fike and Emily Hobbs
Lorna Fike and Emily Hobbs of Hope Harbor Transitional Home in Capitan join the show this week to discuss domestic violence in Lincoln County, how it affects the women, children, and families of our communities, what they’re doing to support and empower local survivors, and the ways you can get involved to help.
Mondays with the Mayor: Tim Dodge and Ron Sena
March 8, 2021: Conversations with Mayor Crawford this week included the March 11 - 21 Spring Break schedule at Ski Apache, a progress update on the Midtown Sidewalk Improvement Project, where to get a COVID-19 test and the important role testing plays in the reopening of businesses, the near-completion of the Grindstone Lake beach and the use of a high-season reservation system for crowd control, the reopening of the Ruidoso Community Center, and the possibility of adding a second Ruidoso dog park.