Mondays with the Mayor

Mondays with the Mayor: August 26, 2024
Mayor Lynn Crawford

August 26, 2024: In this episode, Matthew Baird, Parks & Rec Director and Eddie Ryan, Mgr. of Events & Strategic Partnerships were on the show to talk about the past weekend’s events at Wingfield Park that included free Bar-B-Que, music and drone show. Matthew also discussed the progress of the new playground at School House Park and the cleanup at Two Rivers Park.

Director of Finance, Judy Starkovich, and Water Production Manager, Christella Armijo were in the studio to discuss the increase in the water bills and help explain why the increase was implemented.

Stephanie Long the Wingfield House Museum Curator and Manager was in to announce an opening date and ribbon cutting ceremony for the museum on October 17th. Stephanie also discussed her weekly radio program, Ruidoso Rewind, which airs every Friday at noon on KRUI.

Michael Martinez, Deputy Village Manager, was on to discuss the progress and possible completion date of the upgrades at the Community Center. He also gave an update and progress report on the 603 Mechem housing project which now has 3 homes on the property.

Police Chief Lawrence Chavez talked about his involvement in taking the Legislative Finance Committee on a tour of the fire and flood damage around the Village to help give them a firsthand view of the devastation in the Village.

Hosts: Mayor Crawford & Village Manager Ron Sena – Guests: Matthew Baird, Parks & Rec Director - Eddie Ryan, Mgr. of Events & Strategic Partnerships – Judy Starkovich, Director of Finance – Christella Armijo, Water Production Manager – Stephanie Long, Wingfield House Museum Curator – Michael Martinez, Deputy Village Manager - Police Chief Lawrence Chavez

Mayor Lynn Crawford

Host: 1490 KRUI Conversations with the Mayor radio podcast.


Chamber Chat


Let’s Talk Music: Myranda Tortilla